Azienda Agricola



Sharing an underrated expression of Grave, focusing on Pinot Grigio !!!!!

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Scarbolo A.A.


Lara and Mattia Scarbolo are two siblings winegrowers in Friuli, the Italian region looking out to the Northern-most shores of the Mediterranean Sea. They tend to 14 hectares of vineyards, as well as five more hectares of shrubs, ponds, and meadows dedicated to preserving a diverse and resilient ecosystem.

While they also grow Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Tocai Friulano, and Refosco, their main focus is Pinot Grigio, a local and representative cultivar of this part of Italy. Just like the area they are based in, the Grave DOC, this grape suffers from a very poor reputation after decades of industrialization and poorly dedicated wine-growing resulting in dumbed-down, simplistic wines. Their whole work is dedicated to trying to share and highlight another, more just expression of both. As Rainer Zierock (now defunct husband of Elisabetta Foradori) once stated, and a phrase they hold dearly: "Non c'è una Terra cattiva ma solo un uomo che non la capisce" / "There is no bad Land, only a man who doesn't understand it".

The project was born in 2020, out of the "ashes" of their parents' winery. They work three vinifications of Pinot Grigio, each in a different style most expressive of this cultivar. With the remaining grapes, they make a co-fermented white blend, a heritage wine of the region, as well as a red from native grapes (Refosco).

Friuli's geography, with the Eastern Alps and the Adriatic Sea less than 100km apart, allows for the unique blend of Mediterranean and Continental climates that is the fortune of the white wines from the region. Such characteristics, translating in significant diurnal shifts and coupled with copious rains throughout the year (Friuli is the most humid region in Italy, a condition only balanced by the cool winds cracking in through the Eastern hills facing Slovenia), allow for an aligned balance of technological and phenolic ripenesses, resulting in wines of structure and elegance, where aromatic profiles are sustained by bold textures and fine acidities.

Wishing to share a most limpid and unfiltered expression of their Land and of Pinot Grigio, Lara and Mattia conduct the vast majority of their work in the vineyards by hand, artisanally, focusing on single-parcel vinifications, working in low intervention, hence forgoing any addition or correction that may alter the truer expression of grapes from their Terroir. Hence, harvesting immaculate and balanced grapes, being the sole ingredient (together with a little sulfur), is of paramount importance. They work in a reductive fashion during vinifcation to preserve as much as possible the purity of the fruit, then conducting élevage in oak casks. Fermentations are started via pied de cuves in each parcel to express the most pristine character of each cru.

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